The Module consists of high pressure metal cylinder (under National Standard 949-73 and
ТР ТС 032/2013) with base inner volume from 1 to 15 liters, equipped with plastic tube, forming the single vessel with the metal cylinder.
The Modules are intended for extinguishing various substances, the combustion of which cannot occur without oxygen access, fires on electrified railway and public transport, electrical equipment under voltage up to 10,000 V, fires in museums, art galleries and archives, offices, residential sector.
The Modules in base set provide autonomous actuation from fire, but could be connected with the other firefighting means of the facility with the Forced Start System (FSS).
The Modules could be connected into united system containing any amount of fire extinguishing agent. Thus multimodule system could be arranged, providing fire protection of any volume with any sizes.
The Module is manufactured in accordance with Organization Standard 4854-014-13525135-2014.