"PiroChimica" LLC
Address: 115088, Moscow, Sharikopodshipnikovskaya 4
"Dubrovka" or "Volgogradskiy prospect" metro station
tel.: +7 (499) 579-83-75
multichannel: +7 (495) 943-83-75
e-mail: info@pirohim.ru

DRIVING DIRECTIONS (download in pdf)

1. To issue a pass, call us at least an hour before arrival
+7 (499) 579-83-75

2. In navigating system specify
"Moscow Novoostapovskaya 6B"
3. Entrance is between buildings: with a blue sign "6B" - on the left and 3-level glass building- on the right
4. Continue straight for 50 meters to the checkpoint with a double barrier

5. Wait until the first barrier is opened, drive into the space between the barriers, open the trunk for inspection, then drive beyond the second barrier
6. Beyond the checkpoint and before the yellow building turn right
7. After 100 meters, turn right into the alley with fir-trees
8. Move straight along the alley 150 meters to the square
9. Cross the square diagonally towards the tall blue and white building, take the leftmost passage
10. Continue straight for 20 meters, stop on the right after the entrance
115088, MOSCOW,
TEL. +7 (499) 579-83-75