The fire-extinguishing gel cape MANTOS-102 is a fiberglass 1000x1500 mm in size, impregnated with a fire-extinguishing agent in the form of a gel. Also to enhance the fire extinguishing ability of the cape, microcapsules with a gas extinguishing agent are added to the gel. Upon contact with fire, the capsules burst and the extinguishing agent enters the fire, extinguishing it.
The cape is intended for extinguishing small fires class A and B in the initial stage, extinguishing burning clothes on the human body, evacuation support from burning rooms, pssing through the fire area. It is possible to use a cape for extinguishing fires which are the result of fuel leaks and ignition of other flammable liquids in the engine compartment, components and assemblies.
It is recommended to use MANTOS in crowded places, at transport facilities, in perinatal centers, maternity hospitals and children's institutions, as well as as part of volunteers' outfit in emergency cases
The MANTOS cape ought to cover the fire completely, isolating the fire from the air completely as possible. The gel lowers the temperature, prevents the fiber from burning through, while the gas escaping from the microcapsules displaces oxygen and inhibits the fire reaction.
MANTOS is manufactured in accordance with Organization Standard 4854-007-66926383-2012.
The product has a Certificate of Conformity.